
March 1-2


About RevolutionUC

RevolutionUC is a 24-hour in-person student hackathon at the University of Cincinnati that is organized by ACM@UC. We invite you to join 300+ motivated students for an awesome weekend of code, community, and self-improvement! You don’t have to have to be a computer science major or engineering student to attend. It’s a learning experience for students of all skill levels!

Cat Sitting

This year, we will be hosting the entire hackathon in-person at the 1819 Innovation Hub located at 2900 Reading Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45206. It is a fantastic facility with many beautiful classrooms and collaborative work spaces. Visit their website at to learn more about our amazing venue this year!

RevolutionUC has been a leader in the Cincinnati hacker community since 2014. Check out submissions from previous hackathons.